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phdnet - Emails from the MGP PhD organization (PhDNet) to its members

Subject: Emails from the MGP PhD organization (PhDNet) to its members

Description: This is the PhDNet mailing list, administrated by the current external PhD representative.
Emails by the MPG PhD organization, the PhDNet, are forwarded to this list. All PhD students who are members of the PhDNet should receive these emails. This includes all members of the IMPRS' in Hanover, Potsdam and at the affiliated institutes. If you think you should receive emails from this list but you don't then please get in touch with the administrator of this list.
Should you not wish to receive emails from this list then please note the following: If you receive these emails directly from, you can unsubscribe using the info page of this list. If you receive the emails from this list through your membership of the phdstudents-h or phdstudents-p list this is unfortunately not possible since these entire lists are members of the PhDNet list. However, all subject lines are prefixed with the string "[PhDNet]", so you can use your email client to filter for these subjects and configure it such that it directly deletes the matches.

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